Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Church season of Advent. A time of waiting for the birth of the savior. At school I taught my students how we prepared room in our hearts for the rebirth of Christ. To help them understand the preparation I always made the connection to the preparations parents make while waiting for the birth of a child.
Well, I guess I could say that I'm in the Advent season of my life now. A time of waiting and a time of preparing for my child. One day I will travel to Kazakhstan to meet my child, but for now I wait.
Waiting is hard. Every season marks another milestone that I thought would be different this year. But the passage of time also means I'm moving closer to getting my LOI and officially packing for the trip of my life.
One thing this season of waiting is not, it isn't lonely. With my real life friends and my on-line friends, the waiting time is shared.
I've resolved to really enjoy this Christmas and have a wonderful time with friends and family. Usually I have to fight myself not to get into the mood too early. As a primary teacher it was always a struggle to keep kids minds on work when they were thinking Christmas, and I mean from two days after Halloween. This year I'm as bad as my former students, I've already been listening to Christmas CD's in my car for 2 weeks, I've put up some decorations and I attended the Santa Claus parade.
The reality is I have a lot to do before I travel to meet my child. None of it HAS to be done before I travel, but it would be nice to have my to-do list smaller before my workload doubles. So, Advent roll on, I welcome you and your message. I'm happy to prepare both for this Christmas and the child I will one day call my son/daughter.
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