Monday, October 17, 2011

Stay Home

Denis likes day care, but he'd prefer if I'd stay with him all day. If I can't stay with him he thinks that he shouldn't go at all. So he's come up with a couple of plans to get out of going.

First he says that we shouldn't go to day care (as his day care is in a school, we just say he is going to school). Denis said to me, "Stay home, no school, watch DVD". Needless to say it didn't work and he ended up at day care.

Last week he took his play phone and when it ran he answered it. Then he acted really sad and said, "Nobody school, Denis stay home, okay". Then he turned to me and told me that school was closed because there was no one there. That didn't work either.

This morning Denis told me we should stay home again but this time he said, "Stay home, Mommy knit." I laughed so hard. Right, so if staying home to watch DVD doesn't work for me, then maybe letting me do what I enjoy would work. Unfortunately it didn't work either, poor lamb.

It would be really funny if he didn't act so pleased at the end of day when I returned to pick him up. He also always says, "Mommy came back." And last week he said thank you. Does he think that one day I won't come and he'll have to stay forever at school. Only time will show him the truth.

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