Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I've often thought that Denis has a great memory, tonight he proved it. Tonight we went out to my friend's daughter's birthday party. Last year, Julia's birthday party was held at a trampoline place. There were 8 large sized trampolines set up four on a side.

Denis was too young to bounce on his own, but the young man running the birthday party would hold Denis in his arms and bounce. Denis loved it.

So, tonight I said we were going to Julia's birthday party. After a few moments he asked if we were going to go bounce. I looked at him and asked for more information, so he described all the trampolines. Amazing!

This year's party was at an indoor beach volleyball center. I wonder what he'll say next year.

1 comment:

Julie and John Wright said...

thanks for the comment on our blog. we are so close , Julie and I would love to meet up with you some time . I have to do some investigating on how to do the hydroponics, do you know anything about it ?