Monday, December 6, 2010

Visit, Tour and Poor Internet

There is a bit of flu and/or colds going through the baby house, so the baby house is under quarantine, that means my visits can only be for 20 minutes once a day. Instead of going anywhere in the baby house, we used the little classroom right beside the play room. MLM had his juice and played with his Etch-it-Sketch, he loves writing and erasing. When the 20 minutes were up I had to bring him back to the playroom. All the other children (there seem to be about 7 other children) were on the children's couch eating a cookie. MLM got his cookie and I said hello to all the children. Then it was time to say goodbye, it gets harder and harder for both of us.
In the afternoon, I met up with a friend of Loretta's from her time here in Uralsk. Zhanar has a tour company. We'd arranged to meet at 1 o'clock. It was wonderful. She took me to 3 museums, 2 churches, the WWII monument and the new mosque. We talked about all the families she has met from Canada and the United States, life in general, and tons of other things. We rode e bus at one point. The bus costs 40 tenge, which is the equivalent to 28 cents Canadian. For the 40 tenge you can ride from one end of the city to the other. It was sad to say goodbye because I felt that I had to say goodbye to really good friend.
I've tried to post this many times over the weekend, but I couldn't keep the internet connection long enough. Finally I seem to have a good connection, so I'm finally posting, I need to download my photos onto my computer and make the files smaller before I post, so hopefully tonight I'll have some luck with the internet.
So, just as I finished this for posting, my internet didn't go down, instead my computer went blue screen. so I'm posting as quickly as possible.
Have a great Monday, I am!

1 comment:

Diane said...

So sorry to here about the short visits, not only is that tough on both of you, it gives you alot of down time to fill and apparently you won't be spending that time online! Yuck!
Hoping all the kiddos get well quickly.